经过多年的不懈努力,中国森林恢复取得了举世瞩目的成就。根据国家林业和草原局今年3月发布的官方数据,截至目前,中国森林覆盖率达22.96%。此外,联合国的一份报告显示,在2010至2020年间,中国、印度和澳大利亚是全球森林面积年均净增加最多的三个国家。 不仅如此,中国新造树林的减碳能力也使外国专家感到震惊。 据英国广播公司(BBC)报道,中国的植树造林政策可能在遏制气候变化的影响方面发挥着“重要作用”,因为一个国际研究团队在中国发现有两个地区,其新造树林对二氧化碳的吸收程度被低估了。 China's policy of forestation is likely playing "a significant role" in curbing the impacts of climate change as carbon dioxide absorption in two new forest areas in the country had been "underestimated", BBC reported. 一份发表在《自然》(Nature)科学期刊上的报告显示,位于中国西南部的云南、贵州和广西三个省区,以及东北部的黑龙江和吉林省的两个碳汇区域的作用此前被低估了。
基于实地考察和卫星观测,该国际研究团队表示,两个地区加起来,占中国整体陆地碳汇的35%多一点。 该项研究的联合作者、英国爱丁堡大学的保罗·帕尔默教授(Prof Paul Palmer)在接受BBC采访时表示:“大胆的科学结论必须有大量的证据支持,而我们在研究当中做到了这一点。”虽然中国森林碳汇区的规模令人震惊,但却是真实的,是经过实地测量和卫星数据证实过的。 A study by an international team of scientists published in the journal Nature in October 2020 found that the scale of carbon dioxide absorption in two afforested areas in China had been "underestimated." The team showed that the role of two carbon sinks, or systems that suck more carbon that they release into the air, was previously underappreciated. The two reservoirs – one in the country's southwest China over Yunnan Province, Guizhou Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the other over the northeastern provinces of Heilongjiang and Jilin – make up a little over 35 percent of the Chinese land carbon sink. "Bold scientific statements must be supported by massive amounts of evidence and this is what we have done in this study," Professor Paul Palmer from Edinburgh University, who co-authored the study, told the BBC. "We have collected together a range of ground-based and satellite data-driven evidence to form a consistent and robust narrative about the Chinese carbon cycle," Palmer added. 对中国植树造林的减碳能力,有网友为“中国奇迹”表示自豪,连连称赞: 也有网友现身说法,表示感受到了责任感: 全球气候变暖已是不争的科学事实,对人类生活的影响已经显而易见 :山林大火在频繁加剧,从澳洲森林大火到美国加州山火,都在警醒人们要对气候环境给予关注和保护。 近些年来,全球气候变暖一直是最为严峻的气候问题,碳排放量过高、全球森林退化是主要原因。为缓解全球气候变暖,实现碳中和是世界的共同目标。 想要实现碳中和,就要双管齐下,减少碳排放和加大吸收大气二氧化碳,而植树造林是减碳的有效途径。 Global warming is keeping scientists and environmentalists on pins and needles as the entire globe reels from decades of development that didn't take the environment into consideration. High carbon emissions, deforestation and forest degradation are at the heart of the problem, but solutions are in sight. One way to contain the damage is to achieve carbon neutrality by midcentury. That means striking a balance between carbon emissions and carbon absorption in what are known as "carbon sinks," such as forests and soil. Planting trees has never been as urgent and important – and China is doing its part. 值得一提的是,中国“十四五”规划更是把应对气候变化融入入国民经济和社会发展“十四五”规划纲要、“十四五”生态环境保护规划中。 在第75届联合国大会期间,中国承诺,中国二氧化碳排放力争于2030年前达到峰值,并争取2060年前实现碳中和。 China aims to peak CO2 emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. 推荐阅读:澳大利亚丛林大火肆虐,新州迎来持续降雨稍得喘息 亚马逊森林持续着火三周了,谁来背锅?